Untold Stories Film Shorts

UNTOLD STORIES is a series of four short documentaries brought to you by Jernice Easthope. They take you on a historical journey, retelling stories from Liverpool’s music scene including the infamous Kirklands, a popular watering hole in the 70s and 80s, successful black music songs to emerge from Merseyside, the Caribbean carnival and the next generation of music to come.

Jernice is a Liverpool born and bred storyteller, with a massive passion for entertainment, music and digital content and has over 15 years’ experience working in broadcast TV.

“Growing up in a city, rich with character, charm and social impact, I find it’s my place to document the now and bring to life some of the untold stories from the black community.”

“It was my ambition to bring back to life the not so distant memories of some of the key elements of our local black music heritage. Often the contributions from the black community in Liverpool are unwritten and untold.

“I wanted to ensure I could reach out to different generations in the community to share their stories and memories with the hope to inspire others. It may take some time for the city to recognise the value of Liverpool’s black music presence and what it has given and has to offer going forward, but through these films I hope we can all share and celebrate some of this amazing black music culture from Merseyside.”

Produced by: Jernice Easthope

This documentary focuses on the struggle, despite the success of The Real Thing and The Christians in the 70s and 80s, to positively profile black music and black music creatives within the city and the cities music narrative.

Produced By: Jernice Easthope | Audio & Visuals By: Go Play Studio | Edited By: Kofi Owusu

This documentary captures the recent rise, struggles and successes of some of the leading players in the contemporary black music scene in Merseyside.

Produced By: Jernice Easthope | Audio & Visuals By: Go Play Studio | Edited By: Jacob Davenport

This documentary celebrates the infamous R&B club right in the heart of the city which welcomed people from all around the world from the 70s through to the early 00s, providing a safe space for the Black community to come together, enjoy themselves and dance.

Produced By: Jernice Easthope | Audio & Visuals By: Go Play Studio | Edited By: Kofi Owusu

This documentary reminisces about the Merseyside Caribbean Carnival; a colourful illustration of a time when the community came together to showcase the flavours, music, colours and culture of the Caribbean.

Produced By: Jernice Easthope | Audio & Visuals By: Go Play Studio | Edited By: Kofi Owusu

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